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Create & Publish Your Own Card Deck

The step-by-step course for soul-inspired entrepreneurs, spiritual teachers, intuitives, creatives and artists to make their dream of Creating & (Self)Publishing their own Card Deck happen.

Have you’ve been dreaming about Creating and Publishing your own Card Deck?

Are you a spiritual teacher, healer, inspirational writer, intuitive artist or coach and
would love to share your art, words and message in a creative way?

Are you ready to make a bigger impact and reach more people with your sacred soul work?

Join this course now, and learn the exact step-by-step process to
Create + Publish your own Oracle, Art or Tarot Cards!

card deck Between Worlds
card deck between worlds
spiritual magical tarot deck between worlds

What’s Included in This Course


Step-by-step lessons that will teach you how to create, publish & sell your oracle deck


Learn how to design your cards in Canva, and receive exact steps to get your deck printed.


Best tips to launch, promote & sell your deck even if you’re starting with a small audience. 

What You’ll Learn

create and design your own oracle tarot card deck

Module 1

Your Vision

Learn about different types of decks you can create, brainstorm ideas for your deck, and map out your
unique vision for your own card deck.

create and publish your own tarot oracle card deck

Module 2

Your Content

Write the content for your tarot cards, guidebook, and packaging (optional) with the help of easy-to-use tips and tricks.

card deck Between Worlds

Module 3

Your Design

Exact steps to design your deck in Canva and prepare them for the printer, or learn how to create your deck with a professional designer.

spiritual magical tarot deck between worlds

Module 4

Print your Card Deck

Find the ideal printer based on your type of deck and your budget. Includes a list of print-on-demand and printers in the US and Europe. 

card deck between worlds

Module 5

Publish your Card Deck

Get your ISBN number (optional), learn about different publishing options, and find the ideal solution for your deck and soul business. 

Tarotdeck Between Worlds

Module 6

Sell your Card Deck

Learn about different ways to make your deck available to the world. Sell your deck on your own website, on social media, distribute it to retail stores, and more.

poetry book poetry deck tarot oracle marketing creating designing publishing printing

Module 7

Promote your Card Deck

Time to spread the word about your card deck! Learn about best practices to launch your deck, how to get visible even if you’re starting with a small audience.

Sign Up For The Complete Course Now!

create design publish card oracle tarot deck

Complete Course

Create & Publish your Card Deck

Module 1 t/m 7 – starting September, 15 –

available for an Early Bird Price!

Or Do It In Parts…

design tarot card oracle deck

Part 1

Design your Own Card Deck

Start with only module 1 t/m 3 – starting September, 15 –

available for an Early Bird Price!

SelfPublish carddeck tarot

Part 2

Self Publish your Card Deck

Continue with module 4 t/m 7 – starting September, 15 –

available for an Early Bird Price!

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