Some Text

I like to share with you this poem (nr. 3) from my poetry book Between Worlds

It is a poem about keeping faith and trust although you can’t see the road ahead.
May these words give you comfort and a bit peace of mind.


Bianca ~ Be Budding




Is the hardest thing to do

when you step into the unknown

Which way to go

left or right

Straight forward

and don’t look behind

It’s like stepping into the desert

without directions

Only the sun smiling at you

all day long

First it makes you mad

then you surrender

And follow its light in the sky

saying: you are close by

the next step in line

That’s the way the Desert Rose

will unfold

Exposing the Promise

each one of the roses hold.


If you loved this poem and would like to read more, my poetry book ‘Between Worlds’ is now available worldwide.