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Between Worlds Poetry Book
girl with the pearl

Author, Publisher, Designer

Hi! I’m Bianca

Thank you so much for stopping by!

I love to write about spirituality, create books, bookcovers, carddecks and journals!

poetry author self publishing

Books on Spirituality, Nature, and The Heroine's Journey

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books, journals, tarot decks & courses


girl with the pearl

NEW: Book III in The Worlds Series!

A World Unseen

On June 17 – 2024 I released my 3rd poetry collection:
A World Unseen in The Worlds Series – following the poetry books Between Worlds and When…Two Worlds Meet.

In this book you are taken on a poetic & musical twin flame soul journey as I explored the Shadow and searched for the Light.

Debut Poetry Book:
Between Worlds

Tarot Deck:
Between Worlds

card deck Between Worlds

Second Poetry Book:
When…Two Words Meet

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Design and Self Publish

your Book

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Design and Self Publish
your Card Deck

create design publish card oracle tarot deck