Some Text

How To Maintain Inner Peace In A World Of Duality


This morning (May 25,2022) I drew this card from my Between Worlds Card Deck:

Live in Peace

Inner Turmoil

The Card is the creative reflection of poem nr. 8 ‘White Flag’ from my poetry collection ‘Between Worlds’.

It’s amazing how the card I draw perfectly reflects my state of mind every time.

Since I haven’t posted on Instagram anymore, I feel I am more in alignment with the flow of life. But I have to be honest, I also feel some unrest in my body. There is so much inspiration that wants to be shared, which makes me tempted to post on Instagram again.

For that exact reason, I recently shared a photo and quote in my stories from ‘The Diary Of A Young Girl’ by Anne Frank, which I came across in a poetry community:

The words Anne wrote in her diary, while she was in hiding, are pure poetry.

Divided Society

It almost feels to me as if we live in similar times with the war going on in Ukraine.

And let’s not forget the Covid period. I found it quite difficult that I had a different opinion than many others and that I could not freely express this. Because of that I hid myself and was careful with what I said and to whom.

Now that the measures here in the Netherlands have been somewhat released, I am happy to see that the contacts with my family and friends are recovering. But the period also made it clear to me how quickly a society can become divided.

I understand that you cannot compare World War II with Covid 1 on 1, but you can also wonder how much further we have come. Humanity is still killing each other, we are destroying too much of the earth and we still have many disagreements.

Why do we still throw ‘bombs’ at each other?

Harmonious Life

Can we look each other in the eye, even if we differ? Can we respect each other and our nature? As an evolved species, can we resolve disagreements without using force?

For this, in my opinion, we have to start close to ourselves.

Are you able to live in harmony with your  environment? Your family, your neighbors,  your village, your city, your country.

Even closer to yourself: how well do you take care of your home and (sacred) garden?

It is precisely these questions that have led me to distance myself from Instagram. Even though my messages were with good intentions, in the end I also looked at the numbers; likes, followers, reach. I was absorbed in it and drifted away from my core.

While that was never really my point. It started as a journey of self-discovery in search for answers on questions like: Who am I? What makes me happy? What are my qualities?

This quest awakened the poet and writer in me, by which I was impressed and surprised myself. The words, poems, stories and insights I received touched my heart deeply.

Artist is a channel

Humble Artist

When something touches you to the point that it makes you emotional, you know it’s true.

I wanted to show and share my truth, my authenticity and my vulnerability, after hiding myself for so long, afraid of the harsh outside world.

At least that was how I always perceived my environment. Hostile. I had to be careful to not get hurt. But in fact, as it is with everything, this was my story about the world which created my reality.

By stepping outside my safety zone and sharing my poems and insights on Instagram I now know that the world is less dangerous than I always thought.

Through my poems spoke (and speaks) another voice than I used to know. A voice of confidence. A voice that believes that love will always win. A voice bigger than my ego, bigger than me alone.

It was the start of a learning and growing process.

Healing Wounds

Now I have reached a phase where I feel that I no longer need confirmation from the outside world (e.g. through likes and followers on Instagram) to do what I really want to do.

It is ultimately about whether you give yourself permission to walk your own path. In respect with and for the environment, but above all in respect and connection with yourself, your Soul.

Nevertheless, I do miss my soul tribe from Instagram. The people I deeply connect with and who walk a similar path to me. I now also see that Instagram is not necessarily bad, but something you can consciously make a choice about.

I ask myself: ‘Does Instagram fit into my vision of life or not?’

And still, I end up with: No.

My website is now my sacred home and the doors are open to anyone who wishes to visit. Here I share the deepest of my inner depths.

Here I share my poems and insights that I otherwise shared on Instagram.

Maybe I reach fewer people. But one thing I know for sure, the people who are here have consciously chosen to be here and that is worth a LOT.

Conscious Choices

The time has come for us to be aware of every step we take.

Do I want to be here? Does this contribute to my outlook on life? Is this healthy nourishment for my mood? Does this make me a better person? Does this contribute to the person I wish to be?

A new world begins nearby.

We can live side by side and with each other if we are honest in our choices. And keep room open for others to also explore their own ideas and make their choices from there.

Sacred Space

In any case, I would like to welcome you to occasionally visit my sacred space at

I hope it feels like a warm bath and that you can draw inspiration from it that will help you walk your own path.

And when you want to tune in more deeply to yourself, your choices, your soul mission, you can sign up for my course ‘Know Yourself’ and you will discover who you are and what you really want, and from there you can build your life based on your own rules.

Time to leave old and limiting worlds and thoughts behind us. It’s no longer about the number of likes or the number of followers.

It is about knowing your own truth and walking that path.

Then the followers will come automatically…

I wish you a nice day.



Bianca ~Be Budding



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