Some Text

Saturday Prompt ‘Back Door’

“I launched a Saturday Writing Prompt!” … I was inspired by Beth Kempton to do an online writing prompt as a tool to delve into our inner, hidden & creative world. But also to connect with, and learn from other poets, intuitives and writers. For...

Here, I AM

A Poem – Channeled Message – from myInner Child who has traveled through lifetimes.     In this blogpost I share a Poem that came to me through Intuitive Writing & connecting to my Heart. You also can connect with this part within yourself using...

Kingdom will come

A Poem – Channeled Message – from myInner Child.     In this blogpost I share a Poem that came to me through Intuitive Writing. A little note before you start reading: Poems – channeled messages – can also be a metaphor for things, just...

Behind the Scenes

A glimpse behind the scenes of the life of a poet, writer, and soul writing coach…   “Poetry is like a lifeline;   it literally saves lives!”   ~ Be Budding   Before I tell you why – and how – poetry saves lives, I’d...

For those I loved ~ Martin Gray

A Smoke Signal – Channeled Message – from the Spirit of Martin Gray for those he loved.   “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” ~ George Santayana   December 4, 2023 In the evening, as I was sitting at my...

Autumn Poetry Contest Winner

“… and the winner of the Autumn Poetry Contest is …” … I received beautiful entries for the Autumn Poem Competition on facebook and instagram and it was really hard to choose between all the great poems! At the end of the day I had to...