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5 tips for creating a Sacred Intuitive Writing Space

Home About Books Between Worlds Serie When…Two Worlds Meet Novel Lost & Found All books Intuitive Writing Courses My Gifts Intuitive Writing Guide Sacred Space Meditation Intuitive Writing Heal and Write Intensive Book of Life Program Soul Purpose Know Yourself...

Poem ‘Puzzle’

This is a poem from my poetry collection ‘When…Two Worlds Meet’ which came to me through Intuitive Writing. It describes all parts coming together. The seven parts, our chakra’s. But also the seven generations that came before us and will come...

Poem ‘Home’

This is a special poem from my poetry collection ‘When…Two Worlds Meet’ which came to me through the energy of an amazing tree. Read all about it: Home   Today I metThe pixie dust tree She gave me new energy I embraced herAnd felt the presenceOf...

How do I commit myself to my dreams?

What is commitment and what does it mean to me? … A reflection on ‘commitment’… I always felt strongly about commitment. I expect loyalty from my friends, family, well, from everyone actually. Why does this mean so much to me? And what does it...

Poetry Contest Winner

“… and the winner of the Poetry Contest ‘Waves’ is …” … The winner of the Poetry Contest ‘Waves’ is Freya O’Brien from @lonelylines.poetry I chose this poem because I recognized myself in it. I also found the...